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Latest news & insights

FMA appoints Daniel Trinder to new executive leadership team
The FMA confirmed the appointment of Daniel Trinder, to join its enterprise leadership team as Executive Director – Strategy and Design.
FMA warns Du Val Capital Partners Limited over misleading or deceptive statements to investors in the Du Val Mortgage Fund
The FMA has warned Du Val Capital Partners Limited (DVCP), the general partner of the Du Val Mortgage Fund Limited Partnership (Du Val Mortgage Fund, ...
Phoney SBS Bank offers fake term-deposit investment
FMA warns about a fake term-deposit investment opportunity offered in the name of SBS Bank.
FMA investor profile - Mikayla Pakinga-Lawson
FMA profiles Mikayla Pakinga-Lawson (Ngati Whakaue me Te Whanau-a-Apanui). Mikayla recently joined the FMA team as an Adviser in the Investor Capabili ...
Investor warning: EZ Markets
WARNING: FMA warns of suspicious article published by EZ Markets that could indicate a potential scam.
SW Investment Limited has offered fictitious share investment opportunities to a New Zealand resident and unreasonably withheld the money invested
WARNING: SW Investment Limited has offered fictitious share investment opportunities to a New Zealand resident and unreasonably withheld the money inv ...
The FMA opens consultation on draft guidance for the intermediated distribution of financial products
FMA is seeking consultation feedback on proposed guidance that covers arrangements where financial institutions distribute products and services throu ...
WARNING: Validus
WARNING: The FMA is warning that the public should exercise caution in dealing with this company and its associates.