The UK’s approach to cryptocurrency regulation has been measured: although the UK has no specific cryptocurrency laws, cryptocurrencies are not legal tender and exchanges are subject to obligations recording. HMRC has published a brief on the tax treatment of cryptocurrencies , stating that their « unique identity » means they cannot be compared to conventional investments or payments, and that their « taxability » depends on the activities and parties involved. Gains or losses on cryptocurrencies are however subject to tax.
In the UK, crypto exchanges generally have to register with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), although some crypto businesses can obtain an electronic license. Although it does not include special provisions for exchanges, the FCA guidance emphasizes that entities that engage in crypto-related activities that fall under existing financial regulations for derivatives (such as contracts futures and options) should be permitted.
In 2018, Bank of England Governor Mark Carney revealed that targeted cryptocurrency regulation in the UK was on the horizon. As part of an ongoing parliamentary inquiry , the FCA is working with the BOE and the UK Treasury to develop a strategy to address crypto risks – specifically focusing on AML/CFT, and financial stability. The FCA will unveil new cryptocurrency guidelines at the end of 2018.
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Publié initialement 31 octobre 2019, mis à jour 31 mars 2023
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