A raft of new measures to tackle dirty money and improve transparency related to company and property ownership are being expedited by the UK government following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
The Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Bill — a key and long awaited piece of legislation — will pave the way for a “register of overseas entities” identifying foreign owners of UK property, the Home Office said. One of its key aims is to crack down on money laundering, which the National Crime Agency (NCA) estimates costs the UK £100bn a year.
An accompanying white paper on corporate transparency and register reform sets out a comprehensive package of reforms to the Companies House register.
In a speech to the House of Commons Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said: “Oligarchs and kleptocrats from Russia and elsewhere have used the veneer of legitimacy provided by UK-registered companies and partnerships. They have also used high-end property to help launder proceeds of corruption…In light of Russia’s outrageous actions in recent days, it is necessary that we put these criminals on notice, and send a message that the UK will not tolerate their corruption here.”
Gaps in the UK’s beneficial ownership infrastructure have been highlighted again in recent data leaks, including the 2021 Pandora Papers, which revealed high net worth owners of UK properties that were bought using offshore firms.
The Times reports that the number of properties in England and Wales owned by individuals overseas has trebled since 2010. The Director of Policy at Transparency International UK told the Treasury Committee in 2021: “Our research has identified about £5bn worth of suspicious wealth that is stashed away in UK real estate. There are currently more than 95,000 properties in England and Wales owned by overseas companies. Of those, 85,000 are owned by companies registered in countries where the names of company owners are not published.”
Key changes to transparency around property ownership include:
The government aims to pass the bill into law before May.
The government has also published a white paper on the reform of Companies House (the UK’s registrar of companies), as part of a further Economic Crime Bill expected in the coming months.
Current shortcomings with Companies House mean that while using it as a good source of information, firms should ensure they conduct additional research, particularly around verification.
The paper covers how Companies House reforms will contribute to priorities in national security, anti-corruption, fraud and enterprise. Details include:
Meanwhile, further legislation is expected to tackle illicit finance and improve corporate transparency.
This will include new powers to seize crypto assets and bring them within the scope of civil forfeiture powers; strengthened AML powers to give businesses more confidence to share information on suspected ML and other economic crime; and reforms to the use of Limited Partnerships to prevent them being used as vehicles for facilitating international ML and illegal arms movements.
These new measures, and the speed of their introduction, highlights a wider – and increasing – intersection between geopolitics and anti-money laundering policy. With political imperatives driving reforms, firms should be prepared for new measures to be announced at short notice, and be mindful of the need to stay agile.
Uncover the latest on Russian sanctions in our rolling coverage blog.
Originally published 04 March 2022, updated 10 March 2022
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