By Anu Ratan, Senior Global FCC/AML Policy and Advisory | [email protected]
Originally published on: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/anuratan. Reprinted with kind permission.
The list below is a summary of my analysis of key USA fines and assessments for AML between 2008-2016 (53 reviewed in total) and common recurring themes identified. Some of the key sanctions fines have been reviewed as well. This list is by no means exhaustive and should not be considered as a source of regulatory requirements. Please scroll down to the end of the post for the list of fines reviewed.
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If you have read my post on UK AML fines; you will notice that in general the common recurring themes for USA and UK fines are very similar. In this post, I have listed new themes / additional information on themes common with UK fines were available in the USA fines.
– Extensive efforts over the years to evade regulatory oversight (local and USA regulators).
– Falsifying business records.
– Significant AML program deficiencies remained pervasive and systemic.
– Management was aware of failure but did not take action.
– Remedial measures for the firm’s due diligence policies and procedures were either not implemented or implemented inadequately, even after the adverse findings and formal action by the regulator.
– Failed to correct previously identified systemic weaknesses.
– Failure to comply with previous regulatory actions and/or agreements (e.g., consent order).
– Individual ignored impact on personal lives.
– Knowingly facilitating transactions on behalf of third-party money launderers acting on behalf of transnational criminal organizations.
– Compliance Officer often ignored the AML program.
– Unqualified and/or inadequate staff in compliance.
– The AML and Compliance officers held other full-time positions within the firm, did not have experience with or training in AML requirements, and spent minimal time dealing with AML matters.
– The AML officer did not attend meetings with regulators to discuss examination findings, nor was the AML officer provided copies of examination reports detailing AML deficiencies.
– Management failed to hire knowledgeable and experienced personnel to fill critical roles despite repeat criticisms by the regulator.
Fines by local regulators indicating:
– On a risk basis, customer transactions at foreign branch locations can be assessed, aggregated, and monitored.
– Foreign branch suspicious activity involving customers of other bank branches are effectively communicated to other affected branch locations and applicable AML operations staff.
– Customer profiles were missing altogether, or provided too little information to ascertain a customer’s potential risk.
– Firm could not capture customer identification information such as name or account number.
– Transactions and reports contained only the business name and included no identifying information on the underlying individuals.
– Was manual involving review of hard copies of wire transfer messages.
– Involved review of only single transactions, no consideration was given to review of multiple transactions, involving the same parties over periods of time.
– Did not address identification of repeat customers, repeat payer’s, or other potentially suspicious trends and patterns.
– Did not aggregate multiple items payable to the same payee or beneficiary subjecting only single transactions exceeding $5000 to monitoring.
– Systems did not always aggregate cash activity between accounts belonging to one customer.
– Firm routinely conducted cash transactions utilizing a particular transaction code (originally intended for employee transactions) which would not identify the transact or or affiliated account. With the use of this transaction code, the firm could not capture customer identification information such as name or account number. Therefore, the firm had no way to determine which customer or individual was conducting cash transactions (e.g., purchasing monetary instruments with cash or cashing checks) and no way to track cash transaction activity. Transactions processed using this code would not appear on the firm’s Large Cash Transaction Report (“LCTR”) which was the only report used to file currency transaction reports.
– In addition, the firm’s employees were aware that transactions processed using this code would not appear on the LCTR, thus enabling customers and non-customers to structure cash transactions without any risk of detection. Despite this knowledge, Bank employees continued to use the code for considerable number of years and thereby prevented those transactions from being reported.
– Transactions with high-risk jurisdictions, Wire transfers , dollar drafts, demand draft services, correspondent relationships, leasing, pouch activity, Trusts, privately-owned automated teller machines, non-customer services such as cashing “on-us” checks, monetary instruments, merchant credit card processing, Bulk Travelers Cheques, Bearer Share Account, Bulk Cash Movements, Casa de Cambio, “wholesaling” or “bulk check cashing”, Remote Deposit Capture (“RDC”), International cash letter (“ICL”), Suspicious Penny Stock trading, Pump-and-Dump Schemes, Shell Companies, Other complex financial products to siphon off funds.
– Maintained correspondent accounts with institutions that posed heightened risks of money laundering and terrorist financing. Despite the risk the firm did not design and implement internal controls tailored to it’s high risk business lines.
– Failure to conduct sufficient due diligence and/or transaction monitoring on its foreign correspondent bank accounts.
– Taking on High Risk Affiliates without adequate controls.
– Inadequate Information Sharing Among Affiliates.
– Unregistered MSB.
– Selling Virtual Currencies without registration.
– Failure by the bank to develop AML policies, procedures and controls related to maintaining accounts of MSBs. E.g., because of a standing practice not to open accounts for check cashing businesses. However, the Bank failed to realize that the definition of an MSB extends beyond check cashers. Even after identification of two money transmitter accounts by regulators, the firm did not assess risk in this area or review its customer base.
Bank failed to understand the significance of subpoenas received from law enforcement. The receipt of a grand jury subpoena should cause a financial institution to conduct a risk assessment and account review of the subject customer.
Disregarded Terrorist Links.
Failed to comply with Section 314(a) of the USA PATRIOT Act, a program requiring financial institutions to search their records to locate accounts and transactions of persons that may be involved in terrorism or money laundering.
You may have read in detail the significant fines reported in the press. In addition, I would also like to recommend reading the case history for the actions below for their unique typologies, techniques and the impact they have had on society.
“Financial institutions choose their customer base and the geographic areas they wish to serve; those choices drive their regulatory compliance obligations,”
“A financial institution that recklessly disregards its obligations under the Bank Secrecy Act and continues to operate without an effective anti-money laundering program, despite repeated warnings and a business focus on areas of recognized high risk, should expect to be penalized. The severity of this joint enforcement action is reflective of just such conduct. This is not a case of interpretation of technical issues or about minor lapses in compliance”.
The outcome of these assessments as we all know in general is one or all of the following – Consent orders, fines, criminal charges, prison sentence, closure of business, removal of license to operate as an individual or business and damage to reputation. The U.S. Regulators are also expanding their reach abroad and to different types of sectors.
The importance of having and implementing an effective AML program is not just about meeting the regulatory obligations. It also very much impacts the personal lives of many innocent people and may cause reputational impact to your organisation or industry. The fines and assessments detail many cases where controls were not implemented and impacted personal lives. E.g.,
“With his willful violations, he created an environment where fraud and money laundering thrived and dirty money rampaged through the very system he was charged with protecting. His inaction led to personal savings lost and dreams ruined for thousands of victims.”
“In a case, judges misused their positions as judges to profit from, among other things, sending thousands of juveniles to detention facilities in which they had a financial interest. A Conahan was on FNCB’s board of directors and controlled accounts at the Bank through which he processed the proceeds of his illegal activity.”
In our roles as part of three lines of defense, we may be aware of such control weaknesses (e.g., not enough information about the customer, unusual activity not identified or reported and/ignored), may believe it to be someone else’s problem or may be too busy and so may not take action when appropriate. That inaction might cause reputational damage to our company or impact someone’s life in the future.
Think about it.
Fines Reviewed:
– 2009 – Lloyds TSB Bank Plc, Credit Suisse
– 2010 – Wachovia Bank NA.
– 2012 – Standard Chartered, HSBC, ING Bank N.V.
– 2013- RBS, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi Settlement
– 2014 – Standard Chartered Bank
– 2015 – BNP Paribas, Commerzbank AG
– 2016 – Individual (Sawan Shah aka Sunny) for MSB
For further updates to this post and for my other posts, please follow me on https://uk.linkedin.com/in/anuratan
Copyright © Anu Ratan. Posted on LinkedIn in January, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this analysis without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Anu Ratan and this site with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Originally published 07 March 2016, updated 05 May 2022
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